True story from the courthouse today...
Older bachelor talking to a woman who looked about his age: " have ticket D613 and I have C415....kind of funny, right?"
Older Woman: "No, not really...."
Tomorrow's events...
1. Work in the a.m.
2. Photo shoot with Michael for Guatemala/ Graduation
3. Game night at Aharon's place
Michael's Photography
***Click Here to give me your current address if you want a photo and some info on what is going on with my trip to Guatemala.
2. Photo shoot with Michael for Guatemala/ Graduation
3. Game night at Aharon's place
Michael's Photography
***Click Here to give me your current address if you want a photo and some info on what is going on with my trip to Guatemala.
Verse for Today
“Seek the LORD while he may be found, call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake their way, and the unrighteous their thoughts; let them return to the LORD, that he may have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return there until they have watered the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and succeed in the thing for which I sent it.For you shall go out in joy, and be led back in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall burst into song, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress; instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle; and it shall be to the LORD for a memorial, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.
The mountains and hills before you will burst out in song.
It's a brand new day
It is absolutely beautiful outside today. Upper sixties. Cloudless. Breeze.
I'm in bed now drinking green tea. Just read the Word. Wanting to share about some stuff that is going on.
Man... life is absolutely crazy. If I would have been able one year ago to see myself now. I would not recognize me. Seriously.
I go to a new church and have been doing so for a while now. It is called Faith Outreach Church. I absolutely love it there. Everyone is seeking God and when someone is loosing hope, we all scoop them up and encourage them in the Lord. Lives are being saved. Folks are accepting the Lord. We share meals. We share houses. We share lives. When I am having a crisis of some sort, I have a number of godly women I can call at any hour for prayer or confession or when I simply need to talk. They will listen and give me advice that I do NOT want to hear but need so badly. I am challenged at this church.
Things I have been learning--->
*I have a greater understanding now more than ever of what it means to be called OUT. To live in this world, but not look exactly like it. I feel the conviction of the Spirit here, and am encouraged to drop the godlessness, stop playing games, and be holy like God is holy. Not for the sake of being holy in itself, but to live a life worthy of the calling I've received. What good is my faith without works? It's dead.
*Tithing is a joy and should be done in accordance with Scripture. The Lord will bless obedience. Will he give me a Rolex if I drop a fifty in the plate? Absolutely not. He may bless with money...also maybe with peace. One thing I know, He is always faithful. A cheerful tither comes about the same way a cheerful jogger comes about. The first time someone jobs, I'm sure they are not thoroughly excited about jogging. In fact, it is a chore, but so healthy and beneficial for their life. With practice, joy comes. If a person has received the revelation of all that has been freely given to us, how can we withhold? If you struggle financially, consider tithing.
* I am learning about what it means to have Jesus as LORD of my life... not just Savior.
*If I look like the world, smell like the world, listen to what the world listens to, say what the world says, watch what the world watches, of what value do I have as a Christian who is called to be an ambassador to not a citizen of this world? Does this mean if the world is wearing white, I must wear black? NO! Does this mean my life should not be in lock step with the world, and that I will have some very different practices and convictions? YES! Everything I do should be run through a filter... Does this please God? If so, great. If not, it's a waste of time.
*The Spirit of God is a gift. He can bring conviction, remind me of who I am in Christ, and say things that are to come (John 16:13). He is a comforter, a friend, a PERSON. I feel as if I have been set free. So free that I am able to lay down this freedom for others.
I guess I should explain how it all happened.
A while back, Jose and I were praying for community for me. I had been going to church for almost a year at a church here in Orlando that was great, but I longed for a community that I could connect with and serve in. We started praying and the next day discouragement fell over me. So much so that I did a girl thing. I got a make-me-feel-better haircut. Some people get their nails done when they are sad. Some shop. I get my haircut.
I called that Saturday morning and asked the Aveda Salon if they could please squeeze me in. They said they could, but that I would be with a student. I was desperate, so of course I complied. I sat and sat and sat and then finally a young girl (she looked my age) came and got me from the waiting room. She said that I was supposed to be with another lady, but that she would take me since I'd been there a while.
Can I say that God KNOWS what He is doing.
This girl introduced herself as Julie. She was weird, and I liked it. I asked where she went to church because I could just tell she did. We talked the entire haircut. I picked her up after work and she ended up spending the night at my house. My friends thought I was crazy when I went to class the next morning and said my hairdresser was asleep in my room. Ha!
She invited me to her church. Faith Outreach. It is there I have seen the Lord move in my life in a way that I have not in years...maybe ever. I do not agree with every single thing that is taught, but this makes me grow all the more. What I DO know is that I have made amazing godly friends who keep me accountable. I am able to walk around the church and hug everyone and hold babies and speak different languages and it feels like home when I walk in the door. I am learning about the gifts of the Spirit in a BIBLICAL manner and am finding that I have been sorely missing out. I've dropped my preconceived notions about the Spirit and realized that had I of been born on a desert island with nothing but the Bible to read, I would be SHOCKED at the way the North American church neglects the Spirit if the Bible is truly accurate about His power, abilities, and presence in our daily lives. I wish I would have known sooner, but it's a process. Everything is still new. I am continually learning. I am excited about what life will bring.
More to come,
I'm in bed now drinking green tea. Just read the Word. Wanting to share about some stuff that is going on.
Man... life is absolutely crazy. If I would have been able one year ago to see myself now. I would not recognize me. Seriously.
I go to a new church and have been doing so for a while now. It is called Faith Outreach Church. I absolutely love it there. Everyone is seeking God and when someone is loosing hope, we all scoop them up and encourage them in the Lord. Lives are being saved. Folks are accepting the Lord. We share meals. We share houses. We share lives. When I am having a crisis of some sort, I have a number of godly women I can call at any hour for prayer or confession or when I simply need to talk. They will listen and give me advice that I do NOT want to hear but need so badly. I am challenged at this church.
Things I have been learning--->
*I have a greater understanding now more than ever of what it means to be called OUT. To live in this world, but not look exactly like it. I feel the conviction of the Spirit here, and am encouraged to drop the godlessness, stop playing games, and be holy like God is holy. Not for the sake of being holy in itself, but to live a life worthy of the calling I've received. What good is my faith without works? It's dead.
*Tithing is a joy and should be done in accordance with Scripture. The Lord will bless obedience. Will he give me a Rolex if I drop a fifty in the plate? Absolutely not. He may bless with money...also maybe with peace. One thing I know, He is always faithful. A cheerful tither comes about the same way a cheerful jogger comes about. The first time someone jobs, I'm sure they are not thoroughly excited about jogging. In fact, it is a chore, but so healthy and beneficial for their life. With practice, joy comes. If a person has received the revelation of all that has been freely given to us, how can we withhold? If you struggle financially, consider tithing.
* I am learning about what it means to have Jesus as LORD of my life... not just Savior.
*If I look like the world, smell like the world, listen to what the world listens to, say what the world says, watch what the world watches, of what value do I have as a Christian who is called to be an ambassador to not a citizen of this world? Does this mean if the world is wearing white, I must wear black? NO! Does this mean my life should not be in lock step with the world, and that I will have some very different practices and convictions? YES! Everything I do should be run through a filter... Does this please God? If so, great. If not, it's a waste of time.
*The Spirit of God is a gift. He can bring conviction, remind me of who I am in Christ, and say things that are to come (John 16:13). He is a comforter, a friend, a PERSON. I feel as if I have been set free. So free that I am able to lay down this freedom for others.
I guess I should explain how it all happened.
A while back, Jose and I were praying for community for me. I had been going to church for almost a year at a church here in Orlando that was great, but I longed for a community that I could connect with and serve in. We started praying and the next day discouragement fell over me. So much so that I did a girl thing. I got a make-me-feel-better haircut. Some people get their nails done when they are sad. Some shop. I get my haircut.
I called that Saturday morning and asked the Aveda Salon if they could please squeeze me in. They said they could, but that I would be with a student. I was desperate, so of course I complied. I sat and sat and sat and then finally a young girl (she looked my age) came and got me from the waiting room. She said that I was supposed to be with another lady, but that she would take me since I'd been there a while.
Can I say that God KNOWS what He is doing.
This girl introduced herself as Julie. She was weird, and I liked it. I asked where she went to church because I could just tell she did. We talked the entire haircut. I picked her up after work and she ended up spending the night at my house. My friends thought I was crazy when I went to class the next morning and said my hairdresser was asleep in my room. Ha!
She invited me to her church. Faith Outreach. It is there I have seen the Lord move in my life in a way that I have not in years...maybe ever. I do not agree with every single thing that is taught, but this makes me grow all the more. What I DO know is that I have made amazing godly friends who keep me accountable. I am able to walk around the church and hug everyone and hold babies and speak different languages and it feels like home when I walk in the door. I am learning about the gifts of the Spirit in a BIBLICAL manner and am finding that I have been sorely missing out. I've dropped my preconceived notions about the Spirit and realized that had I of been born on a desert island with nothing but the Bible to read, I would be SHOCKED at the way the North American church neglects the Spirit if the Bible is truly accurate about His power, abilities, and presence in our daily lives. I wish I would have known sooner, but it's a process. Everything is still new. I am continually learning. I am excited about what life will bring.
More to come,
Ultimate wish list for Guatemala/Grad school
... A girl can dream.
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To carry with me as I backpack to and fro in Guatemala. |
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A nice digital camera that I might carry with me and share photos with folks in the States. |
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A Kipling backpack. Tan color. Tons of room. Protects a laptop. Lasts forever. |
A significant post is commin'
but for now, a couple of pictures from today...
African themed party. Wonderful time. Jesus is changing me, and I cannot believe what is happening.
African themed party. Wonderful time. Jesus is changing me, and I cannot believe what is happening.
Derek and me. Icing wars...I won :) |
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The only African at our African party. |
I wish I would just smile like a normal person sometimes.
Stay tuned, folks.
I love you all.
I am reading this book:
And it is amazing. I will be making a post here soon about some of the stuff I am learning. Holy Cow.
This is one of my favorite songs of all timeee.
I cried on the way to work listening to it yesterday.
A question.
What would the church look like if everyone was as committed as you are? If everyone gave, and prayed, and served just as you did?
Pardon my French but...
I have a funny story.
I met the grumpiest old man I have ever met today. And, let me tell you, I have met A LOT of grumpy old men.
I walked into his room this morning to take his vital signs. I thought the day was absolutely beautiful, so I said something to the effect of "Goodmorning, Mr. Soandso! Man, it is beautiful outside today."
He opened one eye, glared at me, remained motionless, and said, "Shut the hell up, you are too damn get out of my room!!!" @grumpyoldmenmakemesmile
This has been nursing stories with Cody.
I met the grumpiest old man I have ever met today. And, let me tell you, I have met A LOT of grumpy old men.
I walked into his room this morning to take his vital signs. I thought the day was absolutely beautiful, so I said something to the effect of "Goodmorning, Mr. Soandso! Man, it is beautiful outside today."
He opened one eye, glared at me, remained motionless, and said, "Shut the hell up, you are too damn get out of my room!!!" @grumpyoldmenmakemesmile
This has been nursing stories with Cody.
Scrabble night with Teen and Daniel...we used my Scrabble Spanish Edition... We just used the"ñ" as an "n" :) |
Teen |
The board |
Random Stuff Around the House Exhibit #1 Mr. Bones, my pic holder |
Random Stuff Around the House Exhibit #2
Proof that some things never change. Bet you can't guess which towel is mine...
Random Stuff Around the House Exhibit #3
My amazing skeletal system poster that I got in NYC at the BODY exhibit.
Driving down the street, 60s and sunny, back from church, praising Jesus, Teen in the driver's seat... |
Let the wicked forsake their ways, and the unrighteous their thoughts...
let them return to the LORD, that He may have mercy on them, and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.
From Isaiah 55
From Isaiah 55
Hello to all!
It has been a while. I don't have too much time to give you an update, but I do want to let everyone in on what is going on.
I have been working a lot lately. I worked 12.5 hours yesterday, today 14, tomorrow work at the VA, then Saturday 7a to 7p... my feet are a bit achy, and I am emotionally drained, but I am ETERNALLY thankful for the opportunity to go to nursing school. I have the privilege of an education, and I recognize that this is not available to everyone. I can find myself getting into a complaining mentality, but there are so many people who would do anything to receive this type of training. I am blessed and am saying GOODBYE to any thoughts of discouragement or being overwhelmed.
My Meme was hospitalized this week. Talk about a difficult time.I am extremely far away and am unable to be there for her in the way that I so so so so desire. The Lord knows my heart. My Meme is one of my most favorite relatives in the entire world. She is selfless, humble, and played a HUGE part in my upbringing. She is not literate, but I can say with confidence that she is one of he wisest people I have ever known. I will be lucky if I can turn out half as a amazing as she is in her advanced age.
My dad has found a job. Well, I should say the Lord has handed my dad a job on a silver plater. Please pray he takes full advantage of this opportunity and is able to remain strong in his fight against addiction and flesh.
My Mom is great need of prayer. She recently was diagnosed with a stress fracture in her foot. She now has a boot on that protects her from any further damage and is allowing her to heal. Also she has some nodules on her thyroid that the endocrinologist wants to biopsy. Related to her neuro stuff, she is experiencing sudden weakness in her legs that seems to have an extremely sudden onset. This is proving to be moderately dangerous as she cannot predict the weakness when it comes. It could be as she is sitting, but it can also be as she is walking across the room. We are also still patiently awaiting the approval of disability. There is obviously a lot going on here. The Lord knows.
I have been taking a lot of pictures and writing down ideas of what I want to share with you guys. When time permits, I will be ON IT. The Lord is working in me, and I want to make sure I take the time to really express what in the world is going on. I have so, so much to tell you. For now, I must go to sleep. Work tomorrow. Work the next day. Then REST IN JESUS SUNDAY.
Amen and Amen.
I have been working a lot lately. I worked 12.5 hours yesterday, today 14, tomorrow work at the VA, then Saturday 7a to 7p... my feet are a bit achy, and I am emotionally drained, but I am ETERNALLY thankful for the opportunity to go to nursing school. I have the privilege of an education, and I recognize that this is not available to everyone. I can find myself getting into a complaining mentality, but there are so many people who would do anything to receive this type of training. I am blessed and am saying GOODBYE to any thoughts of discouragement or being overwhelmed.
My Meme was hospitalized this week. Talk about a difficult time.I am extremely far away and am unable to be there for her in the way that I so so so so desire. The Lord knows my heart. My Meme is one of my most favorite relatives in the entire world. She is selfless, humble, and played a HUGE part in my upbringing. She is not literate, but I can say with confidence that she is one of he wisest people I have ever known. I will be lucky if I can turn out half as a amazing as she is in her advanced age.
My dad has found a job. Well, I should say the Lord has handed my dad a job on a silver plater. Please pray he takes full advantage of this opportunity and is able to remain strong in his fight against addiction and flesh.
My Mom is great need of prayer. She recently was diagnosed with a stress fracture in her foot. She now has a boot on that protects her from any further damage and is allowing her to heal. Also she has some nodules on her thyroid that the endocrinologist wants to biopsy. Related to her neuro stuff, she is experiencing sudden weakness in her legs that seems to have an extremely sudden onset. This is proving to be moderately dangerous as she cannot predict the weakness when it comes. It could be as she is sitting, but it can also be as she is walking across the room. We are also still patiently awaiting the approval of disability. There is obviously a lot going on here. The Lord knows.
I have been taking a lot of pictures and writing down ideas of what I want to share with you guys. When time permits, I will be ON IT. The Lord is working in me, and I want to make sure I take the time to really express what in the world is going on. I have so, so much to tell you. For now, I must go to sleep. Work tomorrow. Work the next day. Then REST IN JESUS SUNDAY.
Amen and Amen.
My prayer for today..
*inspired by Matthew 6:9-15
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