


Yes, I said it. Imani rocks.

Yesterday I was minding my own business, studying for my NCLEX like a good nursing graduate does and my mom gives me a package.
I looked at the return address, and I literally almost fell out of my seat.
I screamed a little.
Got super giddy.
Opened up the package and there sat the book that was posted on my Guatemala wish list.
There was a note enclosed. 
It looked a little something like this.
What a SURPRISE this was.
Let me just say that I almost cried.
This is from one of the kids (well, she's pretty much a grown-up now, I suppose) that I had the pleasure of working with in NY. She is in COLLEGE and doing WELL and going PLACES and it makes me so proud that I want to scream!
This is probably one of the most meaningful gifts I have ever received. Really.

So, Imani, If you're reading this, I love you very much. I appreciate your gift MORE than you know, and am excited to see what in the world God is going to do in your life. You are thoughtful and gracious and the Lord will bless you for it.


1 comment:

  1. Imani rocks my world. A lot. She's grown up so much in the past few years. It brightens my day every time she walks in the door :)


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