


Real conversation at the airport in Guatemala City:

Setting: swapping stories with a guy who was sitting near me at the airport. Of course, Jesus came up.

Guy in mid-conversation: Wait... so does all this mean you are celibate? (after having said nothing even remotely relevant)

Me: Yeah...

G: How do your boyfriends feel about that?

Me: Well, the last boy I dated believed the same thing.

G: Wait, was he gay?

Me: No, we were dating....

[End of conversation]



    my best friend's husband is convinced that this is why i've never had a boyfriend. when i tell him i'm only attracted to other boys who also love jesus so they believe the same thing he refuses to believe it's possible. I wish his hypothesis was correct because it was explain they "why i've never had a boyfriend" question in a way taht wouldn't piss me off as all of my other possible reasons do, but at least i have standards.

  2. lol, awesome conversation! ... I was trying to imagine his face while i was reading... it was funny(at least in my head!)

    We love you Codito!


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