

Aventuraaaaa...Not the band.

Today was so eye-opening. I will never be the same. I'll have to give myself time to process everything before I write about it. Stay tuned if you're interested.

I will officially be translating tomorrow, and I may be slightly nervous. I've never done anything like this before. Nursing, I am nice and comfy with. Four years of learning, practical experience...But translating...yikeeeeeeees! If tomorrow is a success, I am telling you now that it is God through me and nothing more.

The only "true immersion experiences" I've ever had with Spanish are visiting Costa Rica in high school and everything that comes with dating a Puerto Rican. Beyond that... not so much.

Pray, please.

Some fotos:
So.... this is my bleach bucket. In order to eat anything here, I have to first bleach it, then scrub it, then rinse it, then peel it, then cook it (except fruit). That's what I get for being a sickling. I have a super limited diet here because of July's health bonanza. Money is super tight these days, so I don't get to buy a whole lot of veggies anyways. The tomatoes you see were a gift :) Funny how your perspectives can change over time. Today I received two tomatoes and was exceedingly grateful. In the past I have received an iPod as a gift and was barely (if at all) moved. I'm a work in progress.
...and here we have it folks... My dinner tonight. If you want the recipe, it's pretty easy.
1/2 cup boiled white rice + 1bleached avocado. Smush it all together.
Not that exciting, I know. Oh, also I had some purified water and powdered milk...
YUMMMMMMMM. For those of you who live in the States, please try not to sin in the envy department. I don't want to cause anyone to stumble.
[Please note that my earplug kinda looks like a
tiny green rocket ship. Admit it, it's kind of cute. I have those in my possession because I think the Germans that live upstairs take tap dancing lessons... at midnight. lol]

That's it for me tonight. I'm gonna get my read on, take my vitamins, and hit the sack early. I have to wake up at 4:30ish tomorrow. Hellloooooo, early morning! :D



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