

So...I have a new camera...

and today I took a couple of shots outside to see if I could get the hang of this thing. I still have no idea how to work it, nor the time to really hunker down and read the manual, but my day will come. I'm no nature photographer, but I am limited in subjects for now. I'll be posting stuff periodically. I was blessed with this gift by my family, so I plan to make good use of it. For some reason all of these photos say something to me about Jesus and the reality that there IS a God, and there IS hope. The first one reminds me of the promise of new life. The second reminds me that God can make something alive and beautiful even from the most gloomy of situations. The third reminds me that God has made his children beautiful and we are without lack. The verse I am referring to comes from Matthew chapter 6 where Jesus says,"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these."

New Life
He'll Make a Way
We Lack Nothing


  1. I really really like that second picture! Congrats on the new cam :)

  2. What kind of camera is this?


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