She has a dog named Chuck...
The cookies were pumpkin flavored.
Then my hand made some homemade cookie glaze...
Dan Russel was there. We made wheat bread together.
Celeste got a pic with the bread baby.
Me too!
Joe was there as well. We made breakfast for dinner.
The next day, I got to packing for Nashville. Maggie was sad, so she sat next to the box and moped.
Then I walked through Target and found this... I wish I could say I didn't want to see it. But man, I do.
Then, I saw this in the impulse aisle at Walmart... I couldn't resist for the life of me.
My niece and I ran some errands together.
She was super good, so I conceded to getting her a "Birthday Pop" from Starbucks.
Then I brought her to a party.
She and Miss Teen hit it off quite well.
I am learning about retirement plans, home ownership, loans, investments, mortgages, flexible spending funds, and much more #adulthood #wisdomplease
I took a picture in my Florida State sweater in honor of our game against the Gators on Saturday :D
Then I wanted to make some homemade pizza... so I did.
Even the sauce is homemade.
Ingredients: tomatoes, onion, fresh garlic, spinach, mushrooms, oregano, artichoke, mozzarella, and pita.
Then I saw Leah and Jimmy
The End.
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