

An excerpt from my previous blog...

Reality Check.
I am quite a trip. I tend to start things and never finish them. I have a hard time trusting any individual. I am terribly lusty. I don’t do the things I want to do. I end up doing the very things I set out not to do. I find myself in situations I swore I would never be in, nor return to. I do not keep my word. I do things in secret that I would never do in the light. I am bad at communication. I can rationalize myself out of any disagreement. I argue when I know I’m wrong. I am deceitful in many ways. I do not speak up when I know the truth. I do speak up when I know I should stay quite. When I am sad, I hide it. When I am angry, I wish I hid it. I say too much too soon and end up regretting the words spoken. My desire to pacify my pride is often stronger than the desire to practice humility. I give advice that I do not follow. I am lazy with schoolwork. I procrastinate. I lack motivation. I see the sins of others and rarely face my own. I look out for myself under the mask of selflessness, and if others are benefited, that’s great…if not, that’s fine too. I often put my trust in money. I hold records of wrongs. I am bitter at times. I sometimes cannot find the strength to let. things. go. I remember the past and it heavily affects my present. I am a liar. A thief. I am broken in so many ways.

This is all covered by the grace of God, and HE is working to make me more and more like Christ each day.

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