

One Saturday Morning

Just admit it...You want me to be your nurse :)

(Please note: my awesome I <3 Jesus pin) I don't believe I'm allowed to wear "Religious Paraphernelia" to a government job...Jenn told me that I should simply explain that my boyfriend's name is Jesús...Which, for me, would kind of be believable. We'll see if anything happens. 

 I took this yesterday right before church. I haven't worn my scrubs to church before. It was funny because after the sermon, we listened to music over the sound system. I then proceeded to do the chicken dance, electric slide,the Charlie Brown, the Cha Cha  slide ( I lika do de cha understand this reference please consider visiting this website and watching this video. You will laugh. Click here!). I also did that move where you grab your foot behind you, put your hand on your head, then wave your knee around like you just don't care. I wish I knew what it was called. Either way... I suddenly thought to myself that I will be a Bachelor's prepared Registered Nurse in less than 4 months (God willing). I wonder what the world would think if they saw the future of the medical profession doing the Charlie Brown on stage in scrubs. It was a site.

[After church I went on a midnight vegan picnic. I'll post pictures later...]

Now it is Saturday morning and I am sitting in my REBOLU( big 'ole mess) of a room. The sun is nice outside. We're gonna reach the 60's today and I am so glad. The weather has been amazing.
I mostly wanted to talk about the Lord in this post. I got a little distracted.

The Lord is working.
Some of you know about the events in my life this semester that have been trying. My father was released from prison, my grandmother went through a very difficult season, my mother's health began declining, my grades plummeted,finances were nil, my career plans changed, and then everything culminated with my one-year relationship coming to a close. PHEW!

Suffice it to say that the theme of this semester is long-suffering (definitionPatiently enduring difficulties. Patient endurance.) In Jeremiah 33:3 it says "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Let me say that I have been calling on the Lord more often than ever. He is my sanity and my way of processing such trials. My life is truly out of control. I am seeing the repercussions of disobedience, of making quick decisions, of starving myself spiritually, of letting the way I feel be my compass through trial. I am learning that there is so much that I simply do not know, and that the Lord has my very BEST in mind. Already He is working. In light of his omniscience, it only makes sense that I turn to Him when I need direction. I am being reminded that nothing, save for the Lord, is permanent. No relationship, no feeling, no emotion, no friend, no family member, no time of joy, and (Praise Jesus) no time of suffering will endure forever.

God is mending my terribly broken and messy heart. I am becoming a woman. Not just a girl who tucks her head down during trial and simply survives. I am standing up, facing my many giants, and learning about myself and the Lord in the process. I do not want to delay the work the Lord wants to do in my by reverting to survival mode. If I try to insulate myself from the pain of this semester, I will come out as immature as I started. I'm ready for some growing up. I'm ready to see what the Lord has for me, and I will fight discouragement, depression, and loneliness along the way.

PS- Look at the last post if you haven't read my update. There's some important news there.


  1. Girl, I have not kept up with you and I'm very sorrowful. Life is a crazy place, as you know, but I think of you often. I am reminded, yet again, by the words of your heart poured out here, of what an amazing 'daughter' you are! God has perfect and wonderful plans for you and though you may stumble (as we ALL do) and scrape your nose, knees and pride...His love for you is never bruised. It NEVER changes.

    I'm sorry for all your struggles this past year. I know the walk is difficult and weariness seems often without end. But as you said, nothing short of God, lasts forever. AMEN Sista!! I can't tell you how often I have to fall on that!

    I will hold you up in prayer and trust the Lord's good and perfect will for your life, and for your faithful dependence upon him.

    Love and miss you, GURL. You know where to find me if you need me.

    'Aunt Tracy'

  2. Thank you SO much for your encouragement, Aunt Tracy!

    I miss and love everyone from home so much!

    It is very, very good hearing from you. The Lord is going to turn all of these things into good.

    Genesis 50:20
    " You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."

    Keep on reading here. I will post updates on life, school, and work as much as possible.




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