Since I updated last I...
-Ran 9 miles straight for the first time in my life.
My proof:
I wish I could say that this great achievement is the product of my desire to increase my cardiac strength, prolong my endurance, become more physically fit, or remain healthy... I can assure you that this is not the case. As I was channel surfing I came upon a Disney show called Good Luck Charlie. I watched one episode during the first 30 minutes of the run and was surprisingly entertained. I then stayed for a second episode which ended at a cliff hanger. To my elation, I then realized that part two was coming on following only a short commercial interruption. This cycle continued for...well... 9 miles, I suppose. I did not have enough time to dash back home before the end of the commercial breaks... If I left, I wouldn't find out if Teddy was going to get back with Spencer even after he cheated on her... or if she would find her true love on a family ski trip to the mountains during winter vacation. What was going to happen when all the kids found out their parents aren't technically married by mistake? Were PJ and Gabe going to win the $500 ice skating contest reward and be able to pay off the debt they acquired ordering room service they presumed to be free? These were questions I needed answered before I slid off the treadmill and hobbled my way home to take a large dose of Ibuprofen and elevate my legs.
-Next. I worked two 12 hour shifts at my practicum site. I have been having some great experiences there and am loving it. Did I mention the reason I chose the hospital that I am at? Most people had great experiences over the first year and a half of nursing school and, because of this, chose their site of preference. Some agreed strongly with the mission statement of their hospital of choice. Some wisely selected the hospital that they desire to work for in the future so as to get " a foot in the door," if you will... As for me... I love Jesus and I like good food. This hospital has the COOLEST prayer chapel I've ever been in. It has a two story window as the entire east wall, art, a lake view, and it even has those super-convenient kneeling benches. Also, this hospital has the best food of any hospital I've worked at in Orlando. Needless to say...I was sold. I am thoroughly enjoying my time there :)
Case in point: Arroz con gandules. Estilo auténtico, bebé.
- I have been working in the community teaching nutrition at a community center here in town. I teach a couple times a week and am loving it. It has been great. I am working with Kidergaten through fifth graders. I love nursing so much. You truly can do anything. I have been teaching about a woman named Auntie-Oxidant and her ability to kick out the nasty free radicals trying to wreak havoc in her house!! We have been learning about cholesterol, vitamins, bacteria, hand-washing, fruits, veggies, and we even get to cook healthy foods. We've made pizzas and smoothies so far. The population is mostly hispanic. I took a picture of the stickers we get to hand out. Fight Bacteria!
- In addition to all of the previously-mentioned activities, I have been studying, doing assignments, reading, attending classes, and getting my picture taken for the UCF nursing magazine (I'll post the article once its out to print). I lined up a photoshoot with a good friend of mine, Michael Harrison, to send all of you guys a photo and some info about the Guatemala trip. It would be SUPER helpful if you're reading this, and you want me to send you my picture and Guatemala info, to shoot me an e-mail with your home address. Everything will be sent out in early March. Let me know it's something you're interested in :)
- I was told by my professsor that I will be graduating with honors...that's the Lord's doing and He gets all of the credit for that. I have no idea how that happened, but God is good.
- Saturday I spent the day getting ACLS (advanced cardiac life support) certified. I spent all day doing chest compressions,watching videos, listening to lectures, studying cardiac drugs, reading heart monitors, taking quizzes, writing out code scenario algorithms, etc. It was quite fun.
The best part of the day was by FAR when we broke for lunch. The others left to eat for lunch, but I had packed a lunch. We met at a church for the class, so I figured I'd be able to find a microwave somewhere around the facility...I looked around, and found the kitchen/ fellowship hall. To my surprise, it was full of people. Not just any people, but Haitian Christians. I eased my way in and asked if I could please use the microwave. I used what little French skills I had and told them that my name was Cody. I was greeted so LOVINGLY you wouldn't believe it. I told them that I loved their culture and thought their language was absolutely beautiful. [Side note: My strong desire once I have a better grip on Spanish is to learn French. Rosettastoneville, here I come!] Can I please say that I was fed the most AMAZING food I have had in a long, long time. Rice and beans, stew, and fried cornbread. They sat me down, made me a plate, offered me drink, and insisted I eat. This is why I love the Caribbean. I asked them how to say "God bless you" in Creole. I butchered the pronunciation, but I was able to express to them my gratitude for their kindness. I saw the Lord in their hospitality. I was encouraged. I cannot begin to express how much I love individuals from different cultures, countries, and customs. The Lord has given me a heart that quickens at the thought of foreign nations and tongues.
- Please be praying for consistency in my walk with the Lord. I need the strength and determination to get up each morning and spend time with the Lord through prayer and reading His Word. This is not for the sake of religion, nor for the sake of task completion. When my day is started with the Lord, and I feed myself through His Word, I am prepared to face the day. My reactions to day's events are quite different than the days I simply slip out of bed an hour after I should and rush out the door. It makes a difference. He makes a difference. He deserves the first fruits of our time, money, and affection.
[Genesis 4]"Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil. In the course of time, Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the LORD, and Abel also brought an offering—fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The LORD looked with favor on Abel and his offering."
I'm so glad to hear that your life is going well! I was encouraged by your story about meeting the Haitian Christians. I know how they touched my heart when I was in Haiti. (And their cooking is amazing!)
ReplyDeleteGood luck with all of your nursing things :)
Bondye beni w (which is "God bless you" in Creole) :)
So refreshing...Thank-you. I sent you e-mail btw, hope you got it :) I love you.
ReplyDeleteKatherine- I'm still working on a response to your e-mail! Also, yes they cook amazingly. I have a friend considering mission in Haiti, and after I get my Master's I may head on over and join her myself!
ReplyDeleteDanny: Response E-mail sent just now!
I love youuuu.