


I wish I could express how good the Lord is in writing. I have so much to say. My prayer is that you can learn something through my trials.

I don't have much time to get my thoughts together today, but will post asap about what the Lord is teaching me and what He's doing.
This post will serve to quickly update everyone on what is going on, share some prayer requests, and then I'm off to study with Christine for the rest of the day.

This is me :)

I just came from outside playing the guitar. The weather is AWESOME. 58 degrees (my fingers are only a little frozen)! Some say that's too cold, but as most of you know, that's right up my alley. The song "Closer" by Charlie Hall was one that I couldn't get out of my mind. I played it as the wind was blowing. My face was warm from the sun. The pond water seemed as if it was chasing something the way the waves were shifting as the wind changed direction. It was beautiful. No phone. No internet. No noise. Just Him.

School update: 
I started practicum last week. 12 hour shifts 2 -3 times a week. YIKES! With four classes, church, and my externship, this is proving to be quite a trial. I need prayer in this area. The worst thing I can do at this point is allow this "busyness" to take over the time I need to spend with the Lord. Starving myself spiritually never got me anywhere in the past, and my bets are it will never do anything for me in the future. I am taking action.

I do have a little bit of a funny story. On my first day of practicum, I was one of the only Spanish speaking individuals available to translate for a patient we had. She was...a little upset... and talking to the nurses who could not understand her. I can't delve into details for privacy reasons, but if you see me in person, please feel free to ask me about this story. Either way, what the woman was saying was so vulgar that my cheeks were turning red, and, on top of that, I was being asked to translate what she was saying into ENGLISH. Let's just say I've never said words like that in my entire life, and I am praying I won't ever have to again. That was a site to see.

Some requests:
Please be praying for my dad. He is no longer incarcerated and is living in Pensacola at this time. He is waiting "impatiently"( as he puts it, haha) for a job and is very ready to work. I have been praying for a while that he receives a job, and I am asking you guys to join along with me.
Please be praying for my mom. Her last day of work was last week. She will no longer be cutting hair and is currently receiving disability. This is a HUGE lifestyle change for her and she needs as much love and support as humanly possible. If you want her contact info or more information about what is going on with her and her health, shoot me an e-mail and I will gladly respond.

I have many, many more requests, but these I will put these up for now. Thank you so much for joining alongside me. Prayer works. Simple as that.

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