

The Big News...

I got the job interview, folks....
Thank you so much to everyone who has been supporting and praying for me.
I cannot be more excited and humbled by this... I can't even express how thankful I am. When I heard back from the program director, I literally cried for almost an hour straight. God's grace is too big for me to handle. 

Psalm 36:5
"Your lovingkindness, O LORD, extends to the heavens, Your faithfulness reaches to the skies."

The official interview date is:
October 11th at 10:00 am

This doesn't mean a job yet, but it is one step closer to my academic dream. I want the Lord's will and nothing less. Let's see where this goes.

I will hear back from them in mid-November regarding my potential future at Vanderbilt.

This is an adventure. 


1 comment:

  1. Congrats! I'll continue praying. I know you've had a pretty discouraging journey, but God uses both your failures and your successes for His glory. Not only for YOUR growth, but for the growth of others as well. Your perseverance and your honesty throughout all of this has definitely been encouraging to ME.

    Although I obviously haven't experienced exactly what you have, I'm feeling the same sort of uncertainty in my life regarding my future and where He wants me to go. It's scary when you're headed in one direction, feeling sure that's where God wants you to go, then He blocks the road and sends you on a path that is completely dark. You can't see two feet in front of you, but I think that's the point. It forces you to hold His hand and really learn to COMPLETELY cling to him.

    I'm thankful for the honesty in your writings and your willingness to share how scary it's been. I've definitely been able to relate to that sort of fear. I guess it's been helpful to be reminded that I'm not alone in the uncertainty. And it's encouraging to see what God is doing in your life NOW and how you won't be the same person when it's all over. God doesn't enjoy seeing us hurt, He doesn't enjoy seeing the nights we spend crying, crippled with fear. But through the pain and the uncertainty, He's turning us into the women we were made to be. He's refining us with fire and turning us into someone so much better than we can become on our own. And knowing that makes everything COMPLETELY worth it.

    I'll keep praying for you, Cody. I hope that your love for people and Jesus and your passion in the medical field will bless people as much as your journey getting there.


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