

Pumpkin Cheesecake Smoothie!

Ok. In honor of Fall

I found a super easy-to-make, decently healthy (depending on what ingredients you add) pumpkin cheesecake smoothie!! The recipe is flexible, so use your creative juices, and make it your own.

I was working with what I could find in my kitchen. These were my ingredients:

Here is the recipe!
Like I said, you may use whatever ingredients you'd like. Be creative.

- 1 cup cow milk, vanilla soy milk, rice milk, or  vanilla almond milk (The vanilla flavor is important)
- 1/2 cup canned pumpkin
Pumpkin pie spice to taste (I used apple pie spice because that's what was available)
 Fact: Pumpkin spice is simply mixture of nutmeg, allspice, cinnamon, and ginger... You may have these ingredients, just separate.
- 2 ounces cream cheese  (I used a little more than this... I have a long-lasting love affair with cheese)
to taste (I used agave nectar. You can always use honey, Sugar in the Raw, Splenda, etc.)
- 1 scoop vanilla whey or  protein powder (For health buffs! I didn't have any, and it was still great)
- 1 cup ice

*I added 1 tsp of vanilla extract for good measure

*If I had graham crackers, I would most certainly toast them and sprinkle them on top with whip cream and cinnamon... Just a suggestion!

*I also juiced some baby carrots and put them in for their awesome color and natural sugar. Talk about pumpkin colored! I promise it doesn't end up tasting like your grandma's famous beef stew if you add them. You'd never know the difference.

Mini nutrition lesson!
Carrots add the following nutrients (among others) to your smoothie:

Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Potassium, B Vitamins, Magnesium, and Folate!




  1. um, yes please!!! I love pumpkin. Once those libby's cans come into supermarkets in november, i'm definitely gonna be stocking up again. Thanks for the recipe! :)

  2. lol your carrot comment reminded me of this unbelievable recipe I found a couple days ago. Feel free to beat me to it and test it out... <3

  3. this looks delicious! thanks for sharing!


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